Identity Theft Protection
Benefits of the Identity Theft Protection
If your personal information is breached, you’ll have 24/7 access to Identity Theft Restoration Advocates who provide comprehensive, personalized recovery services. If you become the victim of identity theft, we’ll assign a Recovery Advocate to manage your case. Your Recovery Advocate will work with our recovery team (fraud investigators, legal counsel, and other experts) to help with the recovery process. This includes:
- Each member will receive up to one million dollars ($1,000,000) of insurance coverage.
- Unlimited legal care at discounted rates
- Investigate and confirm the fraudulent activity, including known, unknown, and potentially complicated additional sources of identity theft.
- Complete and mail customized, pre‑populated, state‑specific “Fraud Packet” via certified mail with prepaid return instructions.
- Place phone calls, send electronic notifications, and prepare appropriate documentation on the member’s behalf, including dispute letters for defensible complaints to any and all appropriate state agencies and financial institutions.
- Issue fraud alerts and victim statements when necessary, with the three consumer credit reporting agencies, the FTC, SSA, and U.S. Postal Service.
- Submit Special Limited Power of Attorney and ID Theft Affidavit to involved creditors for card cancellation and new card issuance.
- Contact, follow up and escalate issues with affected agencies, creditors, financial institutions, to reinforce member’s rights.
- Assist the member in notifying local law enforcement authorities to file the appropriate official reports.
- Utilize real‑time access to public records reports including DMV, criminal, address changes, liens, and judgments for further investigation where applicable.
- Provide peace of mind and resolution of key issues from start to finish as swiftly as possible.
- Provide members with a “Case Completion Kit” including copies of documentation, correspondence, forms, and letters for their personal records.
How Does the Identity Theft Protection Plan from Freeway Insurance Work?
It’s simple. You’ll be provided with a number to call to connect with help right away.